As stated in the Sexual Misconduct Policy, alleged conduct may be considered either Title IX Sexual Misconduct or Sexual Misconduct, depending on the following jurisdictional requirements.
Applies to conduct that does not otherwise meet the jurisdictional standard or definition of Title IX Sexual Misconduct, but where the conduct occurred in the context of an employment or education program or activity of the university or where both the complainant (reporting party) and respondent are affiliated with the university.
For all allegations of Sexual Misconduct not falling under (i), the Title IX Coordinator or designee will consider the degree of the university’s control over the respondent, the relationship between the complainant (reporting party) and respondent, and assess the surrounding circumstances of the alleged conduct for the presence of the following factors:
If the Title IX Coordinator or designee determines that at least one of the above factors is present, then the Title IX Coordinator or designee may determine that the university may exercise jurisdiction, and the Sexual Misconduct policy standards apply.