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CU Denver has started using Mainstay as a tool to increase student retention. Mainstay’s Engagement Platform empowers universities to engage in conversations that drive action at scale. Mainstay combines rigorous research methods with a Behavioral intelligence framework designed to help students get the answers they need and proactive support by blending proactive and reactive engagement with relevant, empathetic messaging. Through Mainstay we are developing

  • A comprehensive communication plan based on the most critical milestones in the student journey
  • The ability to perform proactive outreach and intake information from students to help us better support them

Additionally, Mainstay is the host platform for our Milo Chatbot, which provides 

  • Personalized support for every learner, 24/7
  • Conversational AI engages proactively and reactively through SMS text messaging and web chat
  • Live chat handoff enables our student success staff to communicate with learners in real time
  • Deep insight into the student experience with reporting and analytics
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