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Your Impact

Every gift to CU Denver makes a difference, whether in helping our students succeed, opening avenues for innovation, funding research that benefits our communities, or in numerous other ways that matter most to our donors, our students, and our faculty. Below are just some of the ways philanthropy at CU Denver helps us fulfill our educational mission. Our sincere thanks to the many generous donors who accelerate success at CU Denver. 

Student Success

  • Scott Cao dressed in a suit and tie, speaks at a stanchion, with hands mid-gesture.

    From CU Denver to Harvard, Scholarships Go Far

    Aug 15, 2024 by Madeline Levin
    Scott Cao ’17, one of the student leaders behind the creation of the Lola & Rob Salazar Student Wellness Center, reflects on the impact of scholarships as he completes his residency in anesthesiology at Harvard Medical School.
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  • Karla Berrum with long hair and dark sunglasses smiling. The image is split and the left side is Union Station at dusk.

    Moving Up and Moving Forward Right Here in Denver

    Jul 18, 2024 by Madeline Levin
    Karla Berrum is one of the more than two-thirds of CU Denver graduates who stay in Colorado. She earned her degree with help from scholarships and is now influencing the future of light rail in Denver through her work on the Downtown Rail Reconstruction Project.
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  • Three people stand together in business professional clothing, posing and smiling against a CU Denver Business School backdrop.

    Students use Scholarships to Make Their Dreams RealityOpens in a new window

    Apr 12, 2024
    CU Denver Business School is so grateful to the many individuals and companies who donate. These donations become scholarships, which help many students overcome financial roadblocks and ensure their access to education. Here's four student stories.
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  • Student wearing a white lab coat, blue gloves, and safety glasses working in a lab.

    Encouraging Success and Engagement in Science and Engineering

    Feb 20, 2024 by Jackson Campbell
    Aside from the inherent financial support, a high-level, competitive scholarship offers lasting connections, a chance to develop people skills, and professionalism, and an opportunity to focus on research and career goals. For CU Denver’s College of Engineering, Design and Computing, the ARCS Foundation provides one of these pivotal scholarships focused on funding the work and research of exceptional, driven students.
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Programs & Initiatives

  • Teacher interacting with young students in a classroom.

    Fostering Effective Role Models in the Classroom

    Apr 17, 2024 by Jackson Campbell
    Short for “Mentors Instructing Students Towards Effective Role Models,” the Call Me MiSTER program aims to recruit inspiring male teachers by offering financial and academic support as well as the opportunity to learn and grow within a cohort over the course of their academic careers.
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  • Madhavan Parthasarathy in a gray suit jacket and white t-shirt standing at the bottom of a staircase wearing dark, square-rimmed glasses and smiling with his teeth.

    CU Denver’s Madhavan Parthasarathy Is Rethinking Entrepreneurship—One Student at a TimeOpens in a new window

    Feb 20, 2024
    At CU Denver, investing in your education is about more than getting a degree. It is about becoming part of a community that connects the dots between big and small ideas and develops innovative learners that give back. That practice is on display at the Business School’s Jake Jabs Center for Entrepreneurship.
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  • Participants of the Empowering Women in Business program gather at the end of the program’s inaugural semester.

    Leveling the Playing Field in Corporate America

    Feb 19, 2024 by Jackson Campbell
    CU Denver’s Business School introduced Empowering Women in Business (EWiB), a program launched last fall to equip students with the distinct tools they need to navigate the workforce and successfully pursue leadership roles in their careers. Now in its second semester, EWiB thus far has served as an incredible beacon of inspiration that acknowledges often overlooked issues regarding the playing field between men and women in the workplace.
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  • CU Denver alumnus Dr. Erik Lucero ’05 does a hands-on demonstration at CU Denver.

    Quantum Information Technology Certificate Program Opens New Doors for Students

    Nov 13, 2023
    The future may present many questions, and thanks to a strategic and philanthropic investment from Google, CU Denver’s new Quantum Information Technology Certificate Program holds the promise for many new answers—answers that could reduce the environmental impact of batteries, make food production more efficient, and lower the cost of health care, to name just a few.
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Donors & Giving

  • Marco Campos in a blue polo talking with a young person in an outdoor setting.

    National Firm Invests Locally in Student Success

    Jul 18, 2024 by Jackson Campbell
    With headquarters just across the street from CU Denver, Campos Companies is providing support and encouragement to our students, particularly those who are traditionally underrepresented in the STEM workforce.
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  • Overhead view of a table covered in architecture supplies and schematics with two sets of hands pointing and interacting.

    Honoring a Mentor by Paying it Forward

    Apr 15, 2024 by Jackson Campbell
    Many people shape the direction of our lives, but in what ways do we acknowledge the often profound influence they may have? For CU Denver alum Andy Kenney, this way was establishing a scholarship, allowing an influential mentor’s legacy to live on in the lives of other students.
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  • Four medical staff seated at a glass table talking in pairs over laptops.

    A Testament to Second Chances

    Apr 3, 2024 by Jackson Campbell
    As a surgeon, Bob Wolfson helped many patients along a journey of renewal. A twist of fate led him to CU Denver and a second life of his own, with a new career and a lasting legacy at the university.
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  • A crowd of students seated at round tables dressed in business attire looking toward the same direction.

    Appreciating an Investment in the Future

    Mar 9, 2024 by Jackson Campbell
    Given the large number of first-generation and non-traditional students at CU Denver, scholarships serve as a source of significant support and motivation to persevere. When acknowledging the importance of scholarships, it is necessary to recognize two parties — the deserving students receiving the scholarships and the generous donors who make these awards possible. On February 23, the CU Denver Business school held its 10th annual scholarship luncheon as a dedicated thank-you to both of these parties.
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