First Winner of the International College Beijing (ICB) Graduate Fellowship
Student represents university in multiple way

As an International College Beijing (ICB) student, Kelly was earning a bachelor’s degree in economics in CU Denver’s College of Liberal Arts & Sciences. ICB is a joint education program between the University of Colorado Denver and China Agricultural University in Beijing. The first partnership of its kind to be approved by the Chinese Ministry of Education, ICB is accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools in the United States.
Siyuan explained, “When you come from another country, there is a lot to learn. The students and teachers here have been really patient, answered my questions, and helped me get settled for classes.” Siyuan not only enjoyed her new friends and classes, but she also appreciated the experience of living in Denver.
In 2013, Siyuan became the first recipient of the new ICB Graduate Fellowship, a $5,000 fellowship awarded annually to an outstanding ICB undergraduate student to continue his or her studies in a graduate degree program at CU Denver. ICB students from Beijing or Denver may continue their education at the university by choosing from a wide range of graduate programs that include applied mathematics, accounting, finance, risk management, public affairs, communications, economics, business, biostatistics, clinical science, and many other degree programs.

In the 2012 launch of StudyColorado, the University of Colorado Denver was represented by two outstanding insternational students, Siyuan (Kelly) Rao, shown on the far left, and Saif Al Juboori, shown on the far right. In the center is Colorado Lt. Gov. Joe Garcia.
Siyuan began her graduate program in finance at CU Denver in the fall 2013 semester. Continuing her enthusiasm for helping while gaining more knowledge at CU Denver, Siyuan also started assisting with teaching in the department of economics. As a teaching assistant to instructor Kyle Hurst, she aids in arranging student assignments for the economic history course. She’s also available to talk to students who may be confused about a classroom lesson. In addition, Siyuan teaches a one-credit lab course by herself, assisting with economics lecturer Ross Knippenberg for the mathematics course. When preparing course materials for the Wednesday labs, Siyuan applies her classroom knowledge to real-world examples for her students.
“I think that CU Denver provides many rigorous graduate programs,” said Siyuan. “The programs are fitting for ICB students who are looking to pursue graduate school.” She is also appreciative of the ICB Graduate Fellowship that she received, and recognizes that it can be a added motivation for many student.
“I really enjoy my academic life in Denver, both as a student and as a teaching assistant,” said Siyuan. “My enriched daily life in Denver will definitely help my further success in the workplace someday.”
ICB Student Siyuan [Kelly] Rao [center] and her parents at the University of Colorado Denver Spring 2013 commencement ceremonies
To learn more about the International College Beijing and the ICB Graduate Fellowship, visit:
饶思远在2013年5月获得了她的本科经济学位,顺利从科罗拉多大学丹佛分校毕业。 ICB项目是科罗拉多丹佛分校和中国农业大学的合作办学项目,饶思远就是ICB项目其中一名交流到丹佛学习的中国学生。凭借着出色的学术成绩,饶思远在2012年作为两名国际学生中的其中一位代表科罗拉多丹佛大学参加了2012年的科州学术大会。而且,她是首位ICB研究生奖学金获得者。 为了鼓励ICB学生继续在UCD学习研究生课程,ICB项目设立了一个5000美金的ICB研究生奖学金。饶思远在获奖后对在这三年期间支持她,鼓励她的老师,工作人员,朋友和家人表示衷心的感谢。“当来到一个陌生的国度,这里有许许多多我想要学的知识,”饶思远说,“这里的学生和老师都十分的耐心回答我的问题,帮助我适应美国的课堂”。饶思远在今年的秋季学期开始了她在UCD的研究生金融专业学习。她不仅喜欢这边结交的新朋友和新课程,也开始了她在经济学部门作为研究生助理的教学生涯。
作为一名教师助手,饶思远帮助教授Kyle Hurst 整理经济史课上的作业,解决同学课上的问题。同时,她自己也教一门一学分的实验课程,帮助教授Ross Kuipperbery 解决经济数学课上的问题。当她为每周三的实验准备课堂资料时, 饶思远将课堂上自己学到的内容用于教导学生的真是场景中。
Farrar, L. (2010). How will China’s tech-savvy, post-90s generation shape the nation?. CNN. Retrieved from
Sun Yang introduction:
Ye Shiwen introduction:
International College Beijing
ICB Graduate Fellowship Provides Support
Oct 4, 2021The scholarship, which was launched eight years ago, provides $5,000 annually to an outstanding ICB student who chooses to pursue graduate studies at the University of Colorado Denver. A wide range of graduate programs are available, including applied mathematics, accounting, finance, risk management, public affairs, communications, economics, business, biostatistics, clinical science, and many other degree programs.Full story -
Personalized Attention
Sep 21, 2021Questions were answered, academic guidance was provided, and helpful facts were shared as CU Denver faculty and advisors met with ICB students who had recently arrived in Denver. The students gained a better understanding of certificate program options such as health communication and mediation. They also found out more about communication pathways , including global and intercultural communication.Full story