Creative Communication in Colorado Springs
Accessibility in Colorado Springs Schools
Mar 6, 2024
The Colorado Springs "District 49" Assistive Technology (AT) Team began the school year committed to expanding accessible communication for students with complex communication needs. This SWAAAC supported team started by identifying playgrounds and gymnasiums as school environments where students struggle to carry Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) systems.

Speech Language Pathologist Jill Adler explains, “In the past, paraprofessionals and teachers had to rely on a guessing game in order to figure out what the student needed or wanted.” Adding Augmentative Alternative Communication posters on playgrounds and in gymnasiums offers one more tool as part of a comprehensive approach to communication
As Halloween approached, Jill and her team took advantage of the holiday to provide whole school training on the use of AAC communication boards as well as the posters. This strategy engaged staff and all students in the use of the boards to support communication. According to AT Team Coordinator, Cyndi Little, “The boards and posters allow every student to have a voice.”
AT CIDE, we are so proud of AT teams across the state. These leaders in assistive technology for children in schools are doing remarkable work. Thank you D49 Team for supporting communication for all.